Calculating the Moving Average Weighted by Age in Python


The moving average is a popular statistical tool used to smooth out the fluctuations in a time series data. It provides an idea of the trend in the data, even when there are significant fluctuations. In this article, we will learn how to calculate the moving average weighted by age in Python. We will use the pandas library to handle the data and the numpy library to perform the calculations.

1. Importing Libraries

First, we need to import the necessary libraries. Let's assume we have a dataset with age and sales data for each customer.


import pandas as pd

import numpy as np


2. Loading the Data

Next, we need to load the data. Assume we have a CSV file with the data, and we are reading it as a pandas DataFrame called `df`.


df = pd.read_csv('data.csv')


3. Calculating the Moving Average

Now, we need to calculate the moving average for each customer. We can do this by grouping the data by the age column and applying a function that calculates the moving average.


def moving_average(data, window):

return np.mean(data[:-window], axis=1)

age_window = 5 # The number of data points to consider in the moving average calculation

moving_avg = moving_average(df['age'], age_window)


4. Weighted Moving Average by Age

Now, we need to weight the moving average by the age of the customer. We can do this by creating a new column in the DataFrame called `weighted_moving_avg` and filling it with the weighted moving average.


df['weighted_moving_avg'] = moving_avg * df['age']


5. Visualizing the Results

Finally, we can visualize the results by plotting the original age and sales data along with the weighted moving average.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot(df['age'], df['sales'], label='Original Data')

plt.plot(df['age'], df['weighted_moving_avg'], label='Weighted Moving Average')



plt.title('Calculating the Moving Average Weighted by Age in Python')



In this article, we learned how to calculate the moving average weighted by age in Python. We used the pandas and numpy libraries to handle the data and perform the calculations. This tool can be useful for understanding the trend in time series data, especially when there are significant fluctuations.

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