Python Candlestick Chart with Moving Average:A Guide to Creating a Python Candlestick Chart with Moving Average


The Python programming language has become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly for data analysis and financial markets. One of the most popular tools for creating visualizations of financial data is the candlestick chart, which provides a comprehensive overview of price movements and trading activity. In this article, we will explore how to create a candlestick chart with a moving average in Python, using the pandas and numpy libraries.

1. Installing Required Libraries

First, we need to install the required libraries. If you haven't already, install pandas and numpy using the following commands:


pip install pandas

pip install numpy


2. Loading Financial Data

To create a candlestick chart, we need financial data, such as stock prices. We will use the Yahoo Finance API to obtain the data. First, install the yfinance library:


pip install yfinance


Then, load the financial data using the yfinance library:


import yfinance as yf

# Replace the ticker symbol with the stock you want to analyze

ticker = 'AAPL'

start_date = '2020-01-01'

end_date = '2021-01-01'

data =, start=start_date, end=end_date)


3. Creating a Candlestick Chart

Now, we can create a candlestick chart using the pandas library. A candlestick chart displays the opening, closing, high, and low prices of a stock for a given time period. The moving average is calculated using the sliding window method, where the average is calculated using a predefined number of past prices.


import pandas as pd

# Calculate the moving average using a window of 50 days

window_size = 50

data['Moving Average'] = data['Close'].rolling(window=window_size).mean()

# Create the candlestick chart

data['Candle'] = data[['Open', 'Close', 'High', 'Low']].apply(lambda x: {'Open': x['Open'], 'Close': x['Close'], 'High': x['High'], 'Low': x['Low']}, axis=1)

data['Candle'] = data['Candle'].apply(lambda x: {'Close': x['Close'], 'Low': min(x['Open', x['Close']]), 'High': max(x['Open', x['Close']])}, axis=1)

# Format the candlestick data as a dataframe

formatted_data = pd.DataFrame(data['Candle'], columns=['Open', 'Close', 'High', 'Low'])

# Display the candlestick chart

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))

plt.plot(data['Date'], data['Moving Average'], label='Moving Average', marker='o', color='blue')

plt.plot(data['Date'], data['Close'], label='Close Price', marker='o', color='red')

plt.title(f'{ticker} Candlestick Chart with Moving Average')





In this article, we learned how to create a candlestick chart with a moving average in Python. The candlestick chart provides a valuable insight into price movements and trading activity, and the moving average helps to smooth out the noise and provide a more stable measurement of the price. By using the pandas and numpy libraries, we were able to easily create and format the candlestick chart with the moving average. This guide should serve as a solid starting point for exploring the use of candlestick charts and moving averages in Python-based financial analysis.

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